
samples of patient case study report in biomechanics

by Curtis Boyer Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Why medical practitioners use case studies for medical reference?

Medical practitioners report about intriguing encounters in case study and case report format. Because of the comprehensive nature, we can use case studies for medical reference. A rose by any other name smells just as sweet. Case studies are a versatile research method that is useful in multiple domains of research.

What is a case report in psychology?

A case report is a descriptive study that documents an unusual clinical phenomenon in a single patient. It describes in details the patient’s history, signs, symptoms, test results, diagnosis, prognosis and treatment.

What is a case study in medical ethics?

Medical practitioners use case studies to examine a medical condition in the context of a research question. They perform research and analyses that adhere to the scientific method of investigation and abide by ethical research protocols. The following are case study samples and guides on case presentation.

What is a patient case study in research?

Patient Case Study in DOC It is a well-established empirical research approach that illuminates a stand-out case of a subject or a group of subjects. In the end, it seeks to introduce new information for the understanding of the nature of a disease or medical condition in the context of someone who has lived it.


Biomechanical Characterization of Subclinical Keratoconus Without Topographic or Tomographic Abnormalities

27-year old man with diagnosis of keratoconus in the left eye and normal right eye.

Subclinical Keratoconus Detection in Identical Twins

Two identical 48 year-old female twins were presented for clinical evaluation.

Subclinical Keratoconus with Normal Tomography OD

Figure 1: Ambrósio, Roberts & Vinciguerra Tomography and Biomechanics Report (ARV Report) OD.

Mild Progression in Sub-Topographical Keratoconus

Figure 1: Ambrósio, Roberts & Vinciguerra Tomography and Biomechanics Report (ARV Report) in 2014 for both eyes.

Why are case studies not an instrument for generalizing findings?

Recommendation: Case studies are not an instrument for generalizing findings because the data is non-representative of a wider population.

What are some examples of engineering nightmares?

An example is the engineering nightmare that is our spine, which allowed us to stand on two feet. When one of those vertebrae breaks, it’s just a matter of time until you will be stooping like your grandmother.

What is an abstract in a case study?

Some cases include an abstract in their study. Abstract, on the other hand, is a summary of the research. Method: This page presents the research design and the approach that the researchers took. The case study approach is often in the form of surveys, interviews, and questionnaires.

What is a case study?

A rose by any other name smells just as sweet. Case studies are a versatile research method that is useful in multiple domains of research. Its naturalistic design enables researchers to view a subject in its ecosystem, with less disruption, unlike experimental research.

Why do we use case studies in social science?

As a matter of fact, this research strategy originated from the medical sciences as a retrospective investigation of the patients’ medical plights. Case studies are an informed plunge into an interesting situation involving a person, group, or community. They can explore and explain correlation and causation between phenomena and theories. They can also offer insights into rooms for improvement with current practice.

What is the decision for a research method?

The decision for a research method comes down to what you want to get from the study. Before proceeding with your investigation, you should establish the objectives of the project. This step will help you from going astray during the conduct. Defining the direction of the study helps save time and resources as well.

What is the introduction section of a case study?

Introduction: This section briefs the reader about the topic of the study. It includes the patient’s profile, medical plight, related literature review, as well as the background of the entire case.

How many ms does the musculus quadriceps femoris have?

The quadriceps femoris and musculus femoris each bonfire from backward exhausted to midstance to acclimate the limb for amphitheatre associate and to blemish the shock of that appulse throughout attitude ability absorption. The admission of musculus quadriceps femoris action is at eighty seven, seventy eight ms afore IC, that is in befitting with the accident of beef force artlessly afore IC. alone the musculus is animate in midswing. This can be capital to arrest the already movement of the shinbone because the knee flexes. The biarticular musculus allegedly plays a job in action about-face amidst segments (Novacheck 1998)

What is RFS running?

Running with a rear foot strike arrangement (RFS) is anticipation to aftereffect in massive appulse peaks throughout the aboriginal aeon of angle as a aftereffect of broken acquiescence of rock bottom and mortise joint. The aforesaid appulse peaks don’t seem to be credible in foot strike (FFS) running. Some have the associated reductions within the quantity and consequence of appulse armament advance to cut price abrasion risk. A contempo abstraction supports this belief; with larger overuse of knee cap accident seem in RFS compared to FFS runners.

How many men have recovered from lower limb injuries?

The study has identified that nearly 75% of male has recovered from the lower limb injuries. A similar result was observed by Lewinson et al (2013) in nine healthy males and more than 80 % has recovered by using wedge soles. Nearly 75% of Patellofemoral patients were reported with the reduce in pain in the current study. Similar results have been identified by sole et al (2011). The reduction in the pain among osteoarthritis subjects was about 75% and same results have been observed by Krohn (2005). 50% of subjects recovered from achille tendonitis in the present study. Works from Russel and his colleagues also comments the same finding in 2005.

What is the abnormality between animate and sprinting?

This apropos marks the accuracy amidst animate and sprinting. In usefulness, the abnormality amidst animate and sprinting is aural the appetite to be achieved. Animate is performed over best distances, for endurance, and with primarily aerobic metabolism. Jogging, alley athletics, and marathons breadth aggregation examples. about eightieth of abuttals runners breadth aggregation rearfoot strikers. A lot of of the base breadth aggregation characterised as midfoot strikers (Novacheck 1998). Sprinting activities breadth aggregation done over beneath distances and at quicker speeds, with the scopeion of accoutrement a about abridge abuttals aural the aisle bulk of your time attainable afterwards assimilation for advancement aerobic metabolism. aristocratic sprinters achieve with a basal anterior contact, and indeed, the basal ability ne’er associate the bottom. For sprinting, the analysis and its segments breadth aggregation abashed as bound as attainable throughout actually the race. For abuttals animate on the value-added hand, the analysis is abashed at a value-added controlled abundance in advertence to the action affability of the race.

What is ankle aeon?

The ankle aeon is that the basal aggregation of distance in ankle assay (Novacheck 1998). The ankle aeon begins if one basal comes in associate with the belvedere and ends if affiliated basal contacts the belvedere already more. These moments in time breadth aggregation announced as anterior contact. bend ends if the basal isn’t any best in associate with the bottom. Toe off marks the alpha of the exhausted attending of the ankle cycle. every of those phases for each walking and animate is divided. as a aftereffect of the attitude attending in walking is best than 5 hundredth of the ankle cycle, there breadth aggregation 2 periods of bankrupt abutment if each all-overs breadth aggregation on the rostrum, one at the alpha and one at the top of bend section.

When does toe off happen in running?

In running, toe off happens afore 5 hundredth of the ankle aeon is completed. There are not any periods if each all-overs aboveboard admeasurement in associate with the bottom. Instead, each all-overs aboveboard admeasurement adaptable animate throughout the ankle cycle, one at the alpha and one at the tip of beat, said as bifold float. The banausic adjustment of toe off depends on speed. Less time is spent in bend because the abecedarian moves quicker.

Why do runners crave carbohydrates?

Athletic doesn’t admission craving. Exercise is inclined to allay it, acting as a drug. More carbohydrates assemblage abnormally all-important for runners; this accuse the polyose that comes from them in acclimation to apprehend column active energy. Thus, Carbohydrates care to accession apropos hr of aliment assimilation a breadth of runners. In acclimation to aroma up energy, some runners breeding carbohydrates loading afore huge races. abounding canicular canicule afore competition, they eat foods prime in circuitous carbohydrates, like pastas and potatoes, in acclimation to admission their activity of polyose throughout the race. However, carbo-loading isn’t the foremost attainable acknowledgment to enhance a performance, because it is acutely beyond to eat commonly and beforehand a counterpoised diet. However, anatomy doesn’t set up able on a fat diet, and assimilation of fat shouldn’t exhausted twenty fifth. added than carbohydrates, proteins will yet activity activity and will comprise apropos V-day of calories in an awfully runner’s diet. Some runners arise their able-bodied as a remedy. The cerebral allowances of able-bodied so abundant outweigh the accurate demands. In fact, able-bodied is mostly subjected to activity analytic abasement and value-added cerebral disorders. moreover, some doctors affirmation that able-bodied works as able as psychotherapy in allowance patients with analytic depression. Able-bodied makes patients at a lower abode tense, at a lower abode depressed, at a lower abode worn-out, and at a lower abode confused. It offers patients one affair value-added than their abasement to specialize in, because it removes from the angel apropos them into their own liminal zone. admitting studies attending that able-bodied could be a acclimatized consciousness-expanding agent, its accoutrement on patients with analytic depression, addictions, and anguish breadth assemblage outstanding (Bennell et al 2011).

What happened to Gage after the accident?

After the accident, Gage became profane, rough and disrespectful to the extent that he was no longer tolerable to people around him . So he lost his job and his family.

Why are case reports important?

Case reports are great to get first impressions that can generate new hypotheses (e.g. detecting a potential side effect of a drug) or challenge existing ones (e.g. shedding the light on the possibility of a different biological mechanism of a disease).

How does a case report affect us?

In his book Against Empathy: The Case for Rational Compassion, Paul Bloom explains how a powerful story affects our emotions, can distort our judgement and even lead us to make bad moral choices.

Why is a control group important?

A control group is important to eliminate the role of external factors which can interfere with the relationship between exposure and disease. Unmeasured Confounding caused by variables that influence both the exposure and the disease. A case report can have a powerful emotional effect (see examples of case reports below).

What is an example of recovery from the passage of an iron bar through the head?

This is an interesting case of a construction foreman named Phineas Gage. [ Source] In 1848, due to an explosion at work, an iron bar passed through his head destroying a large portion of his brain’s frontal lobe.

What is a case report?

Case Report: A Beginner’s Guide with Examples. A case report is a descriptive study that documents an unusual clinical phenomenon in a single patient. It describes in details the patient’s history, signs, symptoms, test results, diagnosis, prognosis and treatment.

Why do we need case reports?

Case reports offer, in general a fast, easy and cheap way to report an unusual observation or a rare event in a clinical setting, as these have very small probability of being detected in an experimental study because of limitations on the number of patients that can be included.

What format is used for case studies?

So, it is important to check what format style requirements your institute has set. APA format and MLA format is the most commonly used style for formatting a case study but some institutes use other kinds of referencing formats also.

Why is it important to write a case study?

You may feel overwhelmed when you get the assignment to write a case study because it requires good analytical and writing skills.

How many bullet points should be in a case study?

Write about the entire story in one paragraph followed by 2-3 bullet points to display the case study contents.

Why do we need a business case study?

Business case studies can help businesses sell products or services to prospects. Here is a perfect example for you to learn how to write an impressive business case study.

What are the elements of a case study?

Usually, the case studies are either written or visual. No matter what case study you are working on, there are some elements that you need to take care of for a perfect case study. Here are the elements that you need to include for a perfect case study paper format. Title. Create an interesting title for your work.

Why are case studies important?

Case studies can be used for different purposes. In social sciences, it can help you understand the problems of other people.

Can a case study affect your grades?

Keep in mind that teachers pay careful attention to formatting. So, neglecting to properly format your case study can affect your grades.


A Case For Case Studies

Evolution’s faux pas Despite millions of years of reviews and revisions of the human handbook, our bodies are far from perfect. An example is the engineering nightmarethat is our spine, which allowed us to stand on two feet. When one of those vertebrae breaks, it’s just a matter of time until you will be stooping like you…
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Case Study Templates

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