
print report on dentrix completed d3310 by patient

by Tessie King Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

What reports can I run from Dentrix?

There are multiple Treatment Plan reports available to run from DENTRIX. Depending on the information desired, run one or more of the following reports: Display patients who have a treatment plan that has not been scheduled in the Appointment Book. - Treatment Case Report a detailed information about a patient's individual selected case.

Can Dentrix Ascend report based on Procedure Code?

– Dentrix Ascend Report based on procedure code? Can i generate a report of all patients where I have billed a specific procedure code? Yes, you can. You would use the Analysis Ledger Report Builder with the following fields: Proc Code; Patient. You would then filter the Proc Code field by right clicking on it and left clicking on Filter.

How can Dentrix help my dental practice?

You can use Dentrix to find patients who are overdue for continuing care and to find patients who have unscheduled treatment plans and still have insurance benefits remaining. Once you find these patients, you can encourage them to come in for treatment, which will improve their dental health and your bottom line.

How do I add data to a Dentrix G4 report?

(For information about each filter, consult the Dentrix G4 User’s Guide or the Dentrix G4 Reports Reference.) Click the Data Fields tab and check the data you want to include on the report. Click OK to close the Patient Report View.


How do I print a completed treatment in Dentrix?

While viewing a patient's record, on the Patient menu, under Clinical, click (or tap) Print Clinical Report.

How do I pull a report from Dentrix?

To run the report by category, in the Office Manager click Reports > Management > Practice Analysis Reports. Specify the desired Date Range for the report, and then under Select Summary Reports, select only Adjustment Summary and click OK.

How do I run active patient report in Dentrix?

Generating the Patient Report (by Filters)Select Office Manager | Letters | Misc. ... Highlight Patient Report (by filters) and click Edit to open the Patient Report View.Select the filters you want to use to narrow the report data. ... Click the Data Fields tab and check the data you want to include on the report.More items...•

How do you run a report in Dentrix by Procedure Code?

In the Procedure Code Range group box, select the range of procedure codes that you want to include on the report. Click the From search button to select the starting procedure code and the To search button to select the ending procedure code. Or, leave selected in both fields to include all procedure codes.

Where is DXOne report in Dentrix?

By default, all debit adjustments are in the Production Adjustments list, and all credit adjustments are in the Collection Adjustments list. To view this report, go to DXOne Reporting, select Management, and then double-click Provider A/R Total.

How do I export a Dentrix patient list?

You can then press CTRL+A to select all the patients on the list. Then press CTRL+C to copy the list. Open a spreadsheet, and press CTRL+V to paste the list of patients into your spreadsheet program, which you can then import into your third-party application to send an email out to your patients.

How do you find total active patients in Dentrix?

A: There are different reports in Dentrix that will show you the total number of patients in your practice. You could run a Patient List or a Practice Statistics Report. However, these reports are only looking at the patient status on the Family File. The most accurate and up-to-date report is the Practice Advisor.

How do I run a Dentrix Practice Advisor report?

To run the Practice Advisor report:Open the Office Manager.Select Analysis, then Practice Advisor (or click the Practice Advisor button).In the Practice Advisor dialog, click the Practice Advisor Report button.In the Practice Advisor Report dialog box, set the options for the data you want to populate the report.More items...•

How do I see the daily production on Dentrix?

To enable this feature:From the Appointment Book menu click View.Select the view you're using and click Edit.Click the View Amount option and click OK.Repeat for any other views in which you want to see the daily schedule production amount.

What is a procedure code analysis report?

The Procedure Code Analysis report will identify any codes that have been deleted or are invalid giving you any available replacement code(s), will note any codes that have had their terminology revised, will identify any starred procedures, and give you a list of the latest modifiers.

How do I print a dentrix day sheet?

Day sheetOn the Home menu, under Reports, click (or tap) Day Sheet. The Day Sheet page opens.Set up the following options: Locations - The transactions and totals for the selected locations. ... Click (or tap) Search.On the message that appears, click (or tap) Continue. ... To print the report, click (or tap) Print.

How do I see the production by provider in dentrix?

With the day view or the week view, if you are viewing the schedule by provider, to view the net production totals for each provider being displayed, click (or tap) the corresponding Show production link. To view the production totals by week or month, click (or tap) Production Totals in the upper-right corner.

How do I run a monthly production report in Dentrix?

Step by Step Instructions:First, go Office Manager, Reports, Management.Click “Day Sheet (Charges and Receipts)In Select Date change the time period to match a time period in the dashboard, such as a week or a month.Run the report for ALL Providers.The Select Totals and Select Reports Types can be blank.More items...

How do I print a Dentrix day sheet?

Day sheetOn the Home menu, under Reports, click (or tap) Day Sheet. The Day Sheet page opens.Set up the following options: Locations - The transactions and totals for the selected locations. ... Click (or tap) Search.On the message that appears, click (or tap) Continue. ... To print the report, click (or tap) Print.

How do you get production on Dentrix?

Scheduled Production is a toggle switch you turn on and off showing a dollar amount listed on the selected calendar day. By clicking the Options button in the Scheduled Production calendar, you can choose if Dentrix will calculate production with production adjustments or use the production from the Practice Analysis.

How do I find production in Dentrix?

To view the production totals by week or month, click (or tap) Production Totals in the upper-right corner. The Production Totals dialog box appears. On the Week tab, which is selected by default, totals for the week currently being displayed on the Calendar page appear.

How to include notes in a prescription report?

If the Prescriptions switch is set to On, select the prescriptions that you want to include on the report. Also, select or clear the Include notes check box to include notes that have been added to the prescriptions on the report or to exclude notes that have been added to the prescriptions from the report.

How to include a treatment plan in a dental report?

The report displays the treatment-planned procedures by visit for each selected case. Select or clear the Include notes check box under Case notes to include case notes on the report or to exclude case notes from the report. Select or clear the Include notes check box under Procedure notes to include procedure notes on the report or to exclude procedure notes from the report. Also, select or clear the Include chart check box under Current dental chart to include a graphic of the patient's current dental chart on the report (regardless of the specified date range for the report) or to exclude a dental chart graphic from the report.

What is procedure switch?

Procedures - Turn the switch On or Off to include procedures on or to exclude procedures from the report.

What is a patient clinical report?

The Patient Clinical Report displays information from a patient's clinical record for a specified date range.

Where is the PDF version of a patient report?

A .pdf version of the report appears in a new browser tab or window. Also, a copy of the document is added to the patient's Document Manager.

Can you print a report from a patient's document manager?

Using the browser's or the .pdf's printing tools, print the report. Alternatively, you can export the document from the patient's Document Manager and then print it.

How to run audit trail report?

To run the Audit Trail Report, in the Office Manager, click Maintenance > Audit Trail Reports. Specify the desired options for your report and click OK. For more advice about using the Audit Trail Report, read “ Fraud Prevention Starts at the Top .”.

How to run an adjustment report in a patient?

To run an adjustment report with patient names, from the Office Manager, click Reports > Management > Day Sheet. Under Select Date, specify the desired date range for the report. Then under Select Report Types, select only Adjustment Only Day Sheet, and then click OK.

What is Dentrix report?

Dentrix reports give you the visibility into your practice that you need as a business owner. With that in mind, let me share with you five critical Dentrix reports that every doctor should be using regularly.

How to run a report in Office Manager?

To run this report, in the Office Manager, click Analysis > Collection Manager. Specify the desired report options and then click Show Columns. Under Available Columns, select Last Statement Date, click Add, and then OK to add that column to your Collection Manager List. This enables you to see if your patients are receiving billing statements in a timely manner.

What is a collection manager list?

It lets you generate a list of guarantors with outstanding balances so you can target them for collections. You should run this report monthly or whenever you are working on billing statements and accounts receivable.

What is an adjustment summary report?

If your cash flow is not as it should be, the Adjustment Summary Report is one of the first places I would look to see where the adjustments are being made. There are two adjustment summary reports you can run: one is sorted by category and one is sorted by patient names.

What is the provider A/R totals report?

The Provider A/R Totals Report will show you your gross production, adjustments to production, net production, gross collection, adjustments to collection, net collection, and accounts receivable.

Step by Step Instructions

In Select Date change the time period to match a time period in the dashboard, such as a week or a month

Step by Step Instructions

In Select Date change the time period to match a time period in the dashboard, such as a week or a month

What is Dentrix continuing care?from

Dentrix makes it easy for you to manage your patients’ continuing care and to schedule patients for routine and follow-up treatment. In Dentrix, you can set up continuing care types that tell you how often patients should be seen for certain procedures, such as prophys or X-rays.

Can you delete a continuing care type in Dentrix?from

If you want to delete the continuing care type, click Yes. By deleting continuing care types you aren’t using in Dentrix, your continuing care reports and lists will contain just the information you care about, and you won’t have patients inadvertently being assigned to types you aren’t tracking.

Does Dentrix add patients to continuing care?from

When you schedule appointments for the procedures attached to those continuing care types, Dentrix automatically adds those patients to the continuing care schedule . By default, Dentrix comes with several preset types of continuing care. If you see patients on a regular, scheduled basis for procedures that are not included in ...

Can you use a due date range in Dentrix?from

In the Due Date group box, you have the option of using a due date range or a due date span. If you mark Use Due Date Range, you can enter an exact date range that DENTRIX uses to find patients. For example, if you enter the dates, January 1, 2008 to January 31, 2008, DENTRIX generates a list of all patients due in January.

What is a patient report in Dentrix?from

The Patient Report (by Filters) option in Dentrix makes it easy for you to create custom reports and find specific patient data. When you generate reports using this feature, you can specify which information you want to see on the report, so you don’t have to search through information you don’t need to find the information you want.#N#You can use the Patient Report (by Filters) to find information you need that can’t be found in the regular Dentrix reports or to create one report that contains pieces of information that are given on several different reports.#N#To run the Patient Report (by Filters)

How to run audit trail report?from

To run the Audit Trail Report, in the Office Manager, click Maintenance > Audit Trail Reports. Specify the desired options for your report and click OK. For more advice about using the Audit Trail Report, read “ Fraud Prevention Starts at the Top .”.

How to run an adjustment report in a patient?from

To run an adjustment report with patient names, from the Office Manager, click Reports > Management > Day Sheet. Under Select Date, specify the desired date range for the report. Then under Select Report Types, select only Adjustment Only Day Sheet, and then click OK.

What is Dentrix report?from

Dentrix reports give you the visibility into your practice that you need as a business owner. With that in mind, let me share with you five critical Dentrix reports that every doctor should be using regularly.

How to run a report in Office Manager?from

To run this report, in the Office Manager, click Analysis > Collection Manager. Specify the desired report options and then click Show Columns. Under Available Columns, select Last Statement Date, click Add, and then OK to add that column to your Collection Manager List. This enables you to see if your patients are receiving billing statements in a timely manner.

What is a collection manager list?from

It lets you generate a list of guarantors with outstanding balances so you can target them for collections. You should run this report monthly or whenever you are working on billing statements and accounts receivable.

What is an adjustment summary report?from

If your cash flow is not as it should be, the Adjustment Summary Report is one of the first places I would look to see where the adjustments are being made. There are two adjustment summary reports you can run: one is sorted by category and one is sorted by patient names.

Print Treatment Case Printing Options

Print - Select any one or all of the following: Treatment Plan Total, Finance Status, Patient Balance, Family Balance, Fee Expiration Date, Treatment Case Note, Graphic Chart, Patient Education, and Signed Consent Forms.

Patient Treatment Case Report Printing Options

Procedure Code Date Range - Select From and To and select the date range that you want to include. To leave the dates open-ended, select All Dates for either or both the From and To dates. Select Entry Date or Procedure Date to include procedures performed on a specific date.

Practice Treatment Case Report Printing Options

Select Patient - Click the From and To search buttons to select a range of patients to include. To include all patients, leave <ALL> in both fields.

What is a patient report in a letter merge?

4. Patient Report (by Filters), inside the Letter Merge, can generate a custom list of patients with a Treatment Plan. The custom list can then be imported into any letter or card.

What is a display patient?

Display patients who have a treatment plan that has not been scheduled in the Appointment Book.

What to do if this article does not resolve your concern?

If this article does not resolve your concern, please contact Customer Support for further assistance. The information contained in this Knowledgebase is subject to the Terms of Use

Where is the treatment plan analysis report located?

5. The Treatment Plan Statistics Analysis is located in Office Manager Reports Management Treatment Plan Statistics Analysis Report. This report will give a comparison of procedures that have been treatment planned compared to the procedures that were treatment planned and set complete.

Does Dentrix show treatment plan changes?

Currently, there is not a way in DENTRIX to get a list of when Treatment Planned procedures were changed or who changed them. Treatment Planned procedures do not show on the Audit Trail Report. If you would like to see this changed in a future version of the program, please click HERE for more information.

Is there a way to list all Dentrix treatments?

Currently, there is no way in DENTRIX to list all Treatment Plans for a certain treating provider. If you would like to see this changed in a future version of the program, please click HERE for more information.

Can you run multiple treatment plans with Dentrix?

There are multiple Treatment Plan reports available to run from DENTRIX. Depending on the information desired, run one or more of the following reports:

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