
how to educate patient to use patient portal

by Justyn Walter III Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Add a line to bills that says patients can pay online using the portal. Include a note on patient education flyers that they can access more helpful information in their portal. Make sure your patient portal is also clearly advertised on your marketing collateral, and your practice website, if you have one.

Full Answer

How would you encourage patients to use patient portals?

9 Effective Ways to Encourage Patients to Use Patient PortalsFill out forms.Pay bills online.View lab results.Review doctor's notes.Schedule appointments.Receive billing statements.Request prescription refills.Check benefits and coverage.More items...

How do you increase patient portal engagement?

Here are some ways to encourage patient enrollment: Include information about the patient portal on your organization's website. Provide patients with an enrollment link before the initial visit to create a new account. Encourage team members to mention the patient portal when patients call to schedule appointments.

What is the nurse's role in implementation of patient portals in healthcare?

Nurses occupy the frontline of patient communication. They play a critical role in encouraging patients to use portals by explaining the benefits, demonstrating their use, and providing reliable information about their security.

How do patient portals improve patient outcomes?

Patient portals have demonstrated benefit by improving adherence to medications and providing patient-provider communication. They may reduce in-person and emergency department visits, facilitate patient discovery of errors in electronic medical records (EMRs) and reduce the cost of care.

How the patient portal is empowering?

July 18, 2017 - Patients enjoy having patient portal health data access because it allows them to take ownership of their own care, makes them feel empowered as partners in their treatments, and helps them detect and identify errors their providers may have made in their medical records, according to a recent study.

What is the purpose of patient portals?

A patient portal is a secure online website that gives patients convenient, 24-hour access to personal health information from anywhere with an Internet connection. Using a secure username and password, patients can view health information such as: Recent doctor visits. Discharge summaries.

How do patient portals improve nursing practice?

While the evidence is currently immature, patient portals have demonstrated benefit by enabling the discovery of medical errors, improving adherence to medications, and providing patient-provider communication, etc. High-quality studies are needed to fully understand, improve, and evaluate their impact.

Why is Patient Portal important in healthcare?

A patient portal is a website for your personal health care. The online tool helps you to keep track of your health care provider visits, test results, billing, prescriptions, and so on. You can also e-mail your provider questions through the portal. Many providers now offer patient portals.

What are the benefits and challenges of using patient portals?

What are the Top Pros and Cons of Adopting Patient Portals?Pro: Better communication with chronically ill patients.Con: Healthcare data security concerns.Pro: More complete and accurate patient information.Con: Difficult patient buy-in.Pro: Increased patient ownership of their own care.

What are the five main features of the new healthcare portal?

Five key features to look for in an EHR patient portalEasy to follow user interface. ... Messaging and communication. ... Registration. ... Scheduling. ... Enhanced security.

What safeguards are in place for patient portals?

Patient portals have privacy and security safeguards in place to protect your health information. To make sure that your private health information is safe from unauthorized access, patient portals are hosted on a secure connection and accessed via an encrypted, password-protected logon.

Are patient portals a part of EHR?

Electronic health record (EHR) patient portals provide a means by which patients can access their health information, including diagnostic test results.

What are the challenges of patient portals?

Patient portals are secure websites that give people access to their personal health information from anywhere, at any time....Table of ContentsGetting Patients to Opt-In.Security Concerns.User Confusion.Alienation and Health Disparities.Extra Work for the Provider.Conclusion.

What are the five main features of the new healthcare portal?

Five key features to look for in an EHR patient portalEasy to follow user interface. ... Messaging and communication. ... Registration. ... Scheduling. ... Enhanced security.

What are the benefits and challenges of using patient portals?

What are the Top Pros and Cons of Adopting Patient Portals?Pro: Better communication with chronically ill patients.Con: Healthcare data security concerns.Pro: More complete and accurate patient information.Con: Difficult patient buy-in.Pro: Increased patient ownership of their own care.

What is the advantage of consumer engagement in their health information and health records?

Better understand their own current care and treatment, as well as that of family members in their care. Coordinate care and reduce duplication of services among multiple care providers.

What is a patient portal?

Patient portals offer the most convenient way for patients to schedule their office or telehealth appointments, even if the office is closed. Moreover, Portals can remind patients of annual physicals, important prevention screenings, and vaccinations.

What should you consider when planning a portal launch?

When you are planning the launch and implementation process, you should consider various factors such as your practice’s resources, priorities, and culture. This will help build confidence and acceptance of the portal among clinicians, staff, and patients with minimal resistance.

Why do patients use patient portals?

It makes sense — patients are more likely to use a patient portal if it’s filled with useful tools and valuable information that’s specific to their conditions and needs. Instead of searching the web for information of questionable quality, they’ll know any information in the portal is coming straight from their doctor.

How to get patients to sign up for a patient portal?

Having trouble getting users to sign-up? Try a bulk enrollment method. Pull the email addresses for any patients who haven’t enrolled in your patient portal and then upload them into the system (you'll need to verify your patient portal has a bulk upload feature). Then send a series of emails to the patients encouraging them to pick a username and password. Some patient portals may also allow you to assign usernames and temporary passwords for your patients to automatically enroll them. Then, send a series of emails welcoming patients to the portal and showing them how to access it. If you use this tactic, remember that some emails are likely to end up in patients’ spam folders.

Why is patient portal important?

Patient portals can be great tools for engaging your patients, and can even help save you time when patients use secure messaging. Still, getting your practice’s patient portal set-up and actually getting patients to use it are two entirely different challenges.

How to promote patient portal?

Look at every patient interaction as an opportunity to promote the patient portal. If a patient calls in to schedule an appointment, have the receptionist explain that next time they can schedule an appointment online, and even receive appointment reminders by email. When patients are checking out, make sure staff say they’ll be able to pay their bills online. And, before you leave the exam room, remind them that they’ll be able to access any lab results and a clinical summary (or other materials, relevant to your practice) through the portal.

Do elderly patients need help?

While elderly patients may need a little more help navigating the patient portal, they’re also your most motivated and engaged users.

Is patient portal a project?

Adopting a patient portal is a huge project, and it’s likely to need some tweaking and updating after your first launch. If you add a new feature (like, say appointment scheduling) or update the layout to make it more user-friendly, make sure you advertise these changes to your patients. A patient who initially logged on and was frustrated by bugs or a difficult layout might be encouraged by news of an updated design.

Can you have a patient portal?

Yes! Even if you’ve had patient portals on your mind for what seems like forever, it takes time for your patients to adjust and start using a new system. Plus, some of your more infrequent patients may not have been into the office since the launch. Be patient, and keep up all your promotion efforts until you’re satisfied with the numbers.

How to encourage patients to register on a patient portal?

Offering incentives can be a good way to encourage not only registration on your patient portal but also utilization of it. Consider things like offering a gift card for the first ten people who schedule appointments through the portal every month, or randomly enter newly-registered patients for a gift card drawing. Your incentives need not be extravagant. But, they can provide the extra push patients need to actively engage with the portal.

What is patient portal?

Patient portals are a relatively new way to improve communication between healthcare providers and their patients , with an estimated 92% of U.S. hospitals on board as of 2016.

How to enroll patients who haven't responded to your other strategies?

If your patient portal offers bulk enrollment, it can be a great way to enroll patients who haven’t responded to your other strategies. Upload all unenrolled patient emails into the portal, then send a reminder email for patients to pick a username and password (some portals let you assign a temporary username and password).

What are the benefits of patient portals?

Other benefits of patient portals include: 1 Better adherence to treatment plans 2 Fewer visits to the doctor for minor issues 3 Increased patient focus on preventative care 4 Easier recordkeeping and safe storage of medical records

How to boost patient portal engagement?

Let’s face it: the best way to boost patient portal engagement is to offer useful and engaging content. Use patient demographics and other information such as national health months (e.g., heart disease, breast cancer, etc.) to generate content that empowers and educates patients. Make sure patients understand that lab results and visit summaries will be delivered via the patient portal as well.

Why are patient portals important?

These two benefits alone are important for patients who are managing a complicated condition and need to visit multiple doctors.

Why don't patients sign up for patient portal?

One of the main reasons patients don’t sign up for a patient portal is that they truly don’t know it exists. Fix that by adding the link to sign up on every bit of correspondence you send, whether through the physical mail or email.

What is patient portal?

Patient portals are becoming an essential part of every clinical practice, both big and small. But for many clinics, getting a portal is just the first step. The more difficult part is getting your patients, staff, and providers to actually use the portal as intended.

How to make portal usage mandatory?

Another way to make portal usage mandatory is to require that all email communications go through the portal. This forces patients who want to use email to send messages to your physicians or staff to sign up for the portal.

How to promote a portal?

Have marketing materials available that explain the benefits (not just the features) to your patients. Saying that your portal has secure messaging doesn’t tell patients how that benefits them. Instead, tell them that your portal allows them to ask questions of the provider online at any time without the need to call. Promote your portal at every opportunity, including in all other patient handouts.

Can you enroll patients automatically?

Instead, set up a way to enroll patients automatically (unless they specifically opt out). Give them instructions at their appointment and follow up with an email link showing them how to go in and change their password from the one you assign as a default.

Key Benefits of Deploying a Patient Portal EMR Software Solution

The patient portal has the following advantages for both clinicians and patients.

Best Practices for Patient Portal EMR Software to enhance Patient Engagement

Patient portal solutions are getting popular since the inception of the COVID-19 pandemic. Patients can manage wellness remotely and also access vaccination records and receive COVID-19 test results.

A Growing Demand for Patient Portals

Since the use of smartphones and mobile apps is growing there is an increased demand for the patient portal platform. If used effectively practices and patients can make complete use of the powerful technology to reap the benefits of patient satisfaction and enhanced practice efficiencies.

What are patient portals?

May 13, 2016 - Patient portals are an online website that is connected to the EHR, centrally focused on patient access to health data. These tools give patients a look into various data points, including lab results, physician notes, their health histories, discharge summaries, and immunizations.

How do providers promote patient portal use?

While patient portal benefits may sound enticing, they aren’t entirely effective if patients do not adopt them. As noted above, patient portal adoption is increasing, but there is still room for it to grow.

What are patient portals’ benefits?

As noted above, patient portals have several benefits, mainly pertaining to patient access to health data. Research shows that when patients are able to see their own health data, they gain ownership of their own wellness and are better prepared to interact with their providers about their care.

Why do we need portals?

Further, portals help providers educate their patients and prepare them for future care encounters. When patients have access to their health data, they are better informed, and have the potential to generate deep and meaningful conversations regarding patient wellness during doctor’s appointments.

Why do portals like secure messaging make patients want to return to a certain provider?

Because portal features like secure messaging facilitate strong bonds between patients and providers, these tools make patients want to return to a certain provider.

Why do providers need to understand patient populations?

Providers must understand which patient populations are and are not likely to utilize the patient portal. By identifying populations with lower adoption rates, providers can target their engagement strategies to encourage portal adoption, helping them to deliver better care to their patients in the long-run.

Why do minority patients have lower portal adoption rates?

Research shows that minority ethnicities have lower rates of patient portal adoption, potentially due to lack of access to technology or lack of technology literacy.

How does a patient portal improve patient engagement?

Patient portals may enhance patient engagement by enabling patients to access their electronic medical records (EMRs) and facilitating secure patient-provider communication.

Why are patient portals important?

While the evidence is currently immature, patient portals have demonstrated benefit by enabling the discovery of medical errors, improving adherence to medications, and providing patient-provider communication, etc. High-quality studies are needed to fully understand, improve, and evaluate their impact.

What are the inputs and outputs of a patient portal?

The inputs are the material (eg, hardware and software) and nonmaterial (eg, leadership) components that facilitate or impair the establishment or use of the portal. Processes include the interactions of the users with the portal. Outputs comprise the results of the implementation or the use of the portal. Through the analysis, we identified 14 themes within these three categories, shown in Textbox 1.

How does patient involvement improve quality of care?

Promoting patient involvement in health care delivery may lead to improved quality and safety of care [14,15] by enabling patients to spot and report errors in EMRs, for example [6]. Some patients recognize the role of patient portals in their health care, reporting satisfaction with the ability to communicate with their health care teams and perform tasks such as requesting prescription refills conveniently [3,16]. Portal use may reduce in-person visits, visits to emergency departments, and patient-provider telephone conversations [3,8-10,12,16]. Despite the potential of portals, already used in the ambulatory setting for some time, implementation in the inpatient setting has only recently gathered momentum [17-19]. The inpatient setting presents additional challenges for implementing patient portals [18,20]. Clinical conditions leading to hospitalization are often acute and the amount of medical information generated during this time can be extensive, which may overwhelm patients [20] and challenge information technology to rapidly display this information.

How does EMR help patients?

Hospitals and other health care organizations can facilitate patient access to their EMR information through patient portals. Patient portals can provide secure, online access to personal health information [1] such as medication lists, laboratory results, immunizations, allergies, and discharge information [2]. They can also enable patient-provider communication using secure messaging, appointments and payment management, and prescription refill requests [2,3].

What are barriers in portals?

Barriers: factors that hinder widespread adoption or portal use

What is portal design?

Portal design: umbrella term for all design-related aspects of the portal including portal interface, content, features, and functions

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