
apa national healthcare quality and disparities report patient safety chartbook.

by Maud Lehner Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

What is the national healthcare quality and Disparities Report?

This Patient Safety chartbook is part of a family of documents and tools that support the National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report (QDR). The QDR includes annual reports to Congress mandated in the Healthcare Research and Quality Act of 1999 (P.L. 106-129).

What is AHRQ reporting on this year?

For the 19th year, AHRQ is reporting on healthcare quality and disparities. The annual National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report is mandated by Congress to provide a comprehensive overview of the quality of healthcare received by the general U.S. population and disparities in care experienced by different racial and socioeconomic groups.

What is included in the Chartbook on patient safety?

This chartbook includes a summary of trends across measures of patient safety from the QDR and figures illustrating select measures of patient safety. A PowerPoint version is also available that users can download for presentations. Chartbook on Patient Safety — Updated February 2021 [PDF, 3 MB]

How often is the report published?

The report is published annually, as required by law, but due to the time needed for review, clearance, and production, is released a year after development begins (for example, the 2020 report is published in 2021).

What is National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report?

The National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report assesses the performance of our healthcare system and identifies areas of strengths and weaknesses, as well as disparities, for access to healthcare and quality of healthcare.

What are the 3 major factors for health disparities reported by the AHRQ?

AHRQ has reports and data on disparities in health care related to race, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status.

What is the purpose of the National Health quality Report NHQR )?

The NHQR collects data on health care quality for States and uses maps to present some of the data. The State-level data provide an indication of the variation of the national measures. The measure with the greatest amount of variation is the percentage of chronic nursing home patients who were physically restrained.

How does AHRQ impact nursing?

Goal: Help Doctors and Nurses Improve Quality. AHRQ develops tools for doctors and nurses to improve safety, quality, and patient engagement in hospitals, physician offices, and nursing homes.

What are health disparities examples?

Health and health care disparities are often viewed through the lens of race and ethnicity, but they occur across a broad range of dimensions. For example, disparities occur across socioeconomic status, age, geography, language, gender, disability status, citizenship status, and sexual identity and orientation.

How do you measure health disparities?

Disparities can be measured relative to the rate for the total population represented by the domain of groups. The rate for the total population is a weighted average of the group rates in a domain (the group rates are weighted by the proportion of persons in each group).

What are quality measures and why are they important?

Quality measures are tools that help us measure or quantify healthcare processes, outcomes, patient perceptions, and organizational structure and/or systems that are associated with the ability to provide high-quality health care and/or that relate to one or more quality goals for health care.

What are the core measures?

Core measures are national standards of care and treatment processes for common conditions. These processes are proven to reduce complications and lead to better patient outcomes. Core measure compliance shows how often a hospital provides each recommended treatment for certain medical conditions.

What are quality standards in healthcare?

Quality Standards are “a set of specific, concise statements which act as markers of high-quality, cost-effective care across a pathway or a clinical area”. They are produced by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE).

Why is AHRQ important to healthcare organizations?

The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality's (AHRQ) mission is to produce evidence to make health care safer, higher quality, more accessible, equitable, and affordable, and to work within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and with other partners to make sure that the evidence is understood and used.

What is the relationship between quality and patient safety?

Safety is often defined as the avoidance of injury and harm, while quality is typically defined as achieving the best possible health care outcomes. Safety can be considered one of multiple domains of quality, and safety can also be considered synonymous with quality.

Why is patient safety and quality important?

It aims to prevent and reduce risks, errors and harm that occur to patients during provision of health care. A cornerstone of the discipline is continuous improvement based on learning from errors and adverse events. Patient safety is fundamental to delivering quality essential health services.

What are health disparities in healthcare?

Health disparities are preventable differences in the burden of disease, injury, violence, or opportunities to achieve optimal health that are experienced by socially disadvantaged populations. Despite significant progress in research, practice, and policy, disparities in youth health risk behaviors persist.

What are some causes of the numerous global health disparities?

Many factors contribute to health disparities, including genetics, access to care, poor quality of care, community features (e.g., inadequate access to healthy foods, poverty, limited personal support systems and violence), environmental conditions (e.g., poor air quality), language barriers and health behaviors.

What factors impact the quality of care provided in the US?

Patient socio-demographic variables. ... Patient cooperation. ... Type of patient illness (severity of illness) ... Provider socio-demographic variables. ... Provider competence (Knowledge and skills) ... Provider motivation and satisfaction. ... Healthcare system.

What are mental health disparities?

Behavioral health disparities refer to differences in outcomes and access to services related to mental health and substance misuse which are experienced by groups based on their social, ethnic, and economic status.

What is the National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report?from

The National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report is the product of collaboration among agencies across the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Many individuals guided and contributed to these reports. Without their magnanimous support, the reports would not have been possible.

What is a patient safety chartbook?from

This Patient Safety Chartbook is part of a family of documents and tools that support the National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Reports (QDR). The QDR are annual reports to Congress mandated in the Healthcare Research and Quality Act of 1999 (P.L. 106-129).

What is CHPSO in healthcare?from

Background: CHPSO is a component of the Hospital Quality Institute. CHPSO provides an example of how PSOs can mine the data they collect from members to improve patient safety and encourage reporting.

What is AHRQ common format?from

AHRQ Common Formats provide a standardized method for PSOs, health care providers, and other organizations to collect and report patient safety events.#N#Data element standards are important for aggregating and analyzing events across providers.

What is the common setting for patient safety events?from

Hospitals are a common setting for patient safety events: Many patients admitted to the hospital are in a clinically compromised state. Care often includes the use of invasive devices and procedures, increasing patients' risk for infection and harm. Measures include:

What are the long term goals of the National Quality Strategy?from

The National Quality Strategy has identified three long-term goals related to patient safety: reduce preventable hospital admissions and readmissions, reduce the incidence of adverse health care-associated conditions, and reduce harm from inappropriate or unnecessary care.

How many measures of quality and disparities are there in the NHQDR?

The reports are based on more than 250 measures of quality and disparities covering a broad array of healthcare services and settings. Data generally cover 2000 through 2018. The reports are produced with the help of a Federal Interagency Work Group led by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) and submitted on behalf of the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). To access the most recent NHQDR, including methodologies and measure lists, go to

What happens to a patient during a patient safety event?

These patient safety events result in death, permanent harm, or serious temporary harm to a patient.

What is the NHQDR?

The National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report (NHQDR) is the product of collaboration among agencies across th e U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Many individuals guided and contributed to this effort. Without their magnanimous support, this chartbook would not have been possible. Specifically, we thank:

What are the advances in patient safety?

Since 1999, the patient safety field has made advances such as the reduction of select healthcare- associated infections and medication-related events. These advances have been made through novel strategies, such as clinical decision support, surveillance, treatment protocols, and education and training through simulation. Advancements in safety research and implementation are further described on

What does it mean when a patient experiences a near miss?

A patient experiences a near-miss when he or she is exposed to a hazardous situation but does not experience harm (either through luck or early detection).

How many deaths are preventable in pregnancy?

Three in five pregnancy-related deaths are preventable (CDC, 2019). Persistent racial and ethnic disparities in maternal mortality have also accompanied the rise in maternal deaths, with Black women having a pregnancy-related mortality rate 3 times as high as that of non-Hispanic White women (Petersen, et al., 2019).

How many measures are there in NHQDR?

Number and percentage of all NHQDR quality measures improving, not changing, or worsening from 2000 to 2018, total (174 measures) and by priority area

2019 National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report

For the 17th year in a row, AHRQ is reporting on healthcare quality and disparities. The annual National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report is mandated by Congress to provide a comprehensive overview of the quality of healthcare received by the general U.S.

Report Files

AHRQ no longer offers print copies of the report, but the files are set up for two-sided color printing and may be downloaded free of charge. If you have questions about printing or copying, contact Doreen Bonnett at 301-427-1899 or [email protected].

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